12 Jan 2017

A question about : excel query for race heats

Hi all

A work colleague has asked me how to do something on excel and i Am stumped

A a race meet we have 24 riders and each rider has to race in 3 scoring heats. after the heats the top 12 then have a raceoff to decide the overall winner

How do i out this into excel to it can plot the heats so each rider has 3, and the heats are mixed, and then plot the final 12?

Also need the ability to increase/decrease the riders and legs

many thanks for any guidance

Best answers:

  • Excel wouldnt be the right tool for automatically creating the riders to go into each heat
    As to decide the final 12, that depends on what you mean by "scoring"? If its literally just the ones with the fastest times then you would put each heat into a column against the horse, use the Min() function to get their lowest time and then can rank by this column. If there is actual scores based on their finishing position etc then you;d need to explain this first.
  • from what i understand its scrambling, each rider gets points 12 to 1 based on position and then the highest 12 points scorers go to a final race
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