16 May 2018

A question about : ESA tribunal questions

Hi all and a happy new year,I am due for a ESA tribunal this month,I've never been to this kind if thing before.
Been in ESA since 2011,already been to health assessment,which there judgment I did not agree on,hence the tribunal,I do have representation.

How long do the tribunal last ?

What happens,which it may do,after decision ?

Basically any more advice anyone could pass on to me.

Probably the longest out of work in my life worked since 16,now 34,only every claimed jsa for three months back in 1999 ! When tony Blair was at the helm.

Many thanks to all

Best answers:

  • Lee
    A Tribunal can last anywhere from 20mins upwards dependant on you evidence you've sent in and the questions that you are asked by the judge or the doctor, most cases you'll get a decision at the appeal, then they inform the DWP and any money your owed due to being on the appeal rate will be paid up to 6 weeks later.... advice... just answer the questions, the tribunal don't want your life history, explain why you've appealed....
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