29 Mar 2019

A question about : Compensation from water company for flood damage?

My ground floor flat is rented to tenants. There is a drain outside which overflows every time there are heavy rains - this has persisted for more than ten years. In January (not because of the nationwide floods in February), the drain overflowed again, causing sewage water to enter the flat. Due to the unpleasantness and health risks, the tenants decided to move out.

Frustratingly, I continue to deal with the council tax office, insurance company, block management company, letting agent, water company and ombudsman (Consumer Council for Water) because of this. My neighbours and I have complained for many years about the overflowing drain, but even contacting local councillors has not resolved the situation.

The flat has now been empty for 4 months. This has cost me not only financially, but taken up a huge amount of time for letters, emails and phone calls. I made an enquiry regarding compensation for loss of rental income to the water company; they deny liability and said I needed to claim from the insurers. However, the insurers stated that they will only consider loss of rent if there are no washing/cooking facilities, electrics and heating.

Is there any way in which I can apply some pressure to get some compensation? I really am at the end of my tether over this.

Best answers:

  • Did your insurance company pay for the damage caused by the flood?
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